Hotel Cordusio

The project
The new Hotel Cordusio has opened inside the building owned by Generali Real Este Sgr. The new, luxurious hotel is part of the renovation project of the historic Palazzo Venezia, one of the most iconic buildings in the area, a short walk from Piazza Duomo. The redevelopment of the building will allow it to obtain the LEED Gold certification. In the building, there are 70 extra luxury rooms, high-level catering services, and terraces with rooftop bars.
The hotel, a Gran Melià, completes the redevelopment project of Piazza Cordusio, which in recent years has changed its face thanks to major investments. Gualini is among the protagonists of the project thanks to the supply and installation of the glazed roof and the smoke and heat evacuators.
Impresa Percassi S.p.A.
2021 – 2023
Luca Beltrami
Hotel, retail
Glazed courtyard roof area: 190mq